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Environmental commitment

At Pladur®, we care for the present and future environment; to sum up, for everybody's wellbeing. That is why we have increased the effort at development and fulfilment of the 3R’s rule. In ecological terms, this involves Reducing, Reusing and Recycling. The concept was originally promoted by the organisation GreenPeace.


Society has to take responsibility for the footprint it leaves in the world and position itself as a temporary passenger on earth.

At Pladur Gypsum®, it constitutes an important part of our DNA since the beginning of our industrial activity, more than 40 years ago.

Responsible, Expert, Empathetic, Inspiring and Vital

These are the brand values ​​at the core of what we do. Every day, we carry out actions that help us protect and preserve our world, taking care of our industrial activity in a responsible and committed manner.

The EINF summarizes and reflects all these actions..

Non-financial Information Report (Spanish) Non-financial Information Report (Spanish)









Our proposal is now active and consists of reducing the energy and natural resources used in our production, generating sustainable resources such as, for example, collecting rain water at different locations within the actual factory compound or reusing water from the usual channels. At the same time, we ensure our own products are recycled, as these will be used to manufacture new ones




Pladur® has had its own recycling plant since 2008, in order to minimise waste and the environmental impact it causes. The recycled products are used to manufacture other new ones and in the process it even adds other recycled products that will help to obtain a result that complies with the required technical characteristics.









Our priority is to integrate quality, innovation, the environment and the prevention of occupational risks in the General Management System of Pladur Gypsum business.

Environmental policy Environmental policy


In addition, in the State Register of Pollutant Emissions and Sources we publish information about the emissions to the atmosphere, water and soil of polluting substances and the data on waste transfers from our facility in Valdemoro. 

Valdemoro PRTR Valdemoro PRTR

We have also obtained the Product Environmental Declarations (PED) certified by an independent verification body. This proves that our boards hold the maximum product labelling classification (A+) without emissions of agents that are polluting and harmful for health: Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs).

These initiatives mean the company is fully certified to guarantee quality management while demonstrating its commitment to sustainability and the environment. Pladur® contributes to LEED, BREEAM® and VERDE® certification for buildings in which its solutions are used. In addition, Pladur® has agreements with institutions, associations and universities with the aim of developing and improving products while also boosting innovation in the construction sector.




We thus reaffirm our commitment to the environment, developing more sustainable products and systems and anticipating future European requirements, thus positioning itself as an innovative company and a sector leader.



We also implemented an environmental management system in accordance with ISO 14.001 and certified by AENOR. In this context, our company aim is to share the environmental benefits of this system with its suppliers by involving them in improving environmental performance. This requires the commitment of our suppliers in complying with our environmental performance guidelines and in carrying out good environmental practices.

SIG Requirements SIG  Requirements AENOR Certificate AENOR Certificate
