European Regulations
Pladur® has quality seals and certificate pursuant to the standards of European regulations.
Harmonised standards
Harmonised standards are the only method used to draft the declaration of performance for the construction product covered by this standard.
In Spain the harmonised standards include the UNE letters in the EN, as occurs, for example, with the UNE-EN 520 standard on Laminated plasterboards.
Consequently, there are different regulatory levels, Consequently, there are different regulatory levels, ranging from the international ISO standard to the European EN standard and the Spanish UNE standard.
For example: UNE-EN ISO 10140-2. “Acoustics. Laboratory measurement of sound insulation of building elements.”
In this case, it is applied in the three regulatory levels mentioned. It is an international standard that adopts the European regulations and transposes them in each Member State.
For laminated plasterboards, the harmonised standard is UNE-EN 520: laminated plasterboards, which regulates the technical characteristics required of a laminated plasterboard and forms the basis of the declaration of performance of each product.
The products which accompany the laminated plasterboard to compose self-supporting frame systems are detailed in the following chart:
Declaration of Performance and CE Marking
The CE marking is a symbol of the conformity of certain products with the European Technical Harmonisation legislation. It is obligatory for a product to be marketable in the territory of the European Union.
The main purpose of the CE marking is the manufacture of safe products.
The CE marking must be affixed to all construction products for which the manufacturer has issued a declaration of performance pursuant to Regulation nº 305/2011.
On placing or causing to place the CE marking on a construction product, the manufacturer must state that it assumes liability for the conformity of that product with the declared performance according to its product regulations.
The declaration of performance will express the performance of the construction product in relation with its essential characteristics, in accordance with the pertinent harmonised technical specifications.
All the products in our Pladur® range possess the corresponding declarations of performance and the CE marking. As we progressively create new products, we will apply the necessary rules and carry out the corresponding CE marking.
Quality Seals
In the European Union, each country has specific quality markings Each one of them is ratified by the corresponding national certification agencies. For example, Spain has the AENOR “N” seal, France the AFNOR “NF” seal, etc.
AENOR seal
At Pladur® we have profiles and boards certified with the AENOR “N” quality marking. This certificate, granted by AENOR (the Spanish Association of Standardisation and Certification), is a voluntary quality marking that is granted to products submitted to periodical assessments and verifications that they comply with the quality requirements laid down in the regulations of that marking.
NF seal
At Pladur® we have profiles and boards certified with the AENOR “NF” quality marking. The NF certification is an acknowledgement by an independent third party (CSTB) that a product complies with the necessary requirements for installation under the French, European and international regulations and originates from a controlled-quality factory.
ACERMI is a quality marking of insulating materials which guarantees that a product complies with the declared performance (conductivity and thermal resistance, among others). The ACERMI certification rests on a twofold commitment.
- At Pladur® we undertake to carry out continuous production control and comply with the declared performance level of our products.
- ACERMI undertakes to conduct an initial audit of the production centre and carry out the initial tests on the product and six-monthly monitoring of the certified products (audits and tests).
- Certificates and products covered: 16/174/1232 (PLADUR ISOPOP® 38), 16/174/1234 (PLADUR ISOPOP® 32), 17/174/1316 (PLADUR ISOPOP® + 32). The specifications covered by the mentioned certificates and the certified values can be consulted here.
QB (CSTBAT) seal
The QB seal is a voluntary quality marking for treatment systems of laminated plasterboard joints. At Pladur® we have joint treatment systems (joint compound + tape) certified with the QB quality marking. The QB certification is an acknowledgement by an independent third party (CSTB) that the Pladur® QB-certified compounds and tapes comply with the necessary requirements for installation under the French, European and international regulations and originate from a controlled-quality factory.
Technical Approval
The National Technical Approval (DIT) is a voluntary document which is issued by the Eduardo Torroja Construction Sciences Institute (IETcc). This document contains the favourable technical assessment of the fitness for use of non-traditional or innovative materials, products, systems or procedures in building and/or civil engineering.
The IETcc also issues what is known as the DIT Plus, a voluntary document which, as defined by the Institute, contains a favourable technical opinion of the suitability for use of a product (material, system or construction procedure) in building and/or civil engineering for the assigned use and which, based on the DIT procedure, assesses voluntary aspects not covered by or complementary to those covered by the CE marking.