Pladur® Solutions
At Pladur ®, we develop solutions that may make your building warmer, drier, more silent and safer to work and live in. By combining the use of plaster and cement boards, metal profiles, accessories, compounds and plaster, we create thousands of different systems to help to construct the building you want.
We test our systems to certify their fire resistance, acoustic insulation, acoustic absorption, water resistance, mechanical impact and more.
Look through our full range of products and solutions below.
Solutions by type of building
Solutions by type of performance
Acoustic Insulation
Acoustically insulating a building means preventing sound from entering or leaving. Noise is one of the main irritations in our daily life, both at home and at work.
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Acoustic Conditioning
Designing acoustically comfortable environments is essential to achieve quality rooms. Acoustic conditioning or correction involves diffusing sound in a room by changing the level of absorption or reflection by walls.
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Thermal Insulation
The Themal Insulayion is the capacity to reduce heat transmission through a material. The systems we use in Pladur®, thanks to their configuration, achieve high levels of thermal insulation with low thermal inertia, achieving maximum efficiency and comfort.
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Fire Protection
Building design should take into account fire protection measures. This involves two concepts: system fire resistance rating and the material fire reaction.
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Mechanical Resistance
Pladur partition walls, wall lining panels and ceilings meet all the strength requirements for daily use, for both impact and load resistance.
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Resistance to humidity
Water vapour production in a building depends on the number of occupants, room use, ventilation and the heating system.
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Pladur® is committed to sustainable buildings and protecting the environment. Most issues related to the environment, sustainability, life cycles, recycling and similar are handled in close collaboration(el otro término es muy engolado) with specialist organisations, with the aim or facilitating sustainable construction (environmental impacts, building adaptability and so on), and working for the comfort and safety of all (by reducing emissions and pollutions, among other measures).
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Design and decoration
Una de las características diferenciales de los sistemas de placas de yeso laminado es la flexibiliad y gran libertad de diseño. Nuestros sistemas Pladur permiten realizar geometrías curvas y formas complejas. Además, los sistemas de techo Pladur FON+ permiten acondicionar acústicamente un techo sin renunciar a un diseño elegante.
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