Pladur® Partition Assembly Courses

¿How to install a Pladur® partition wall?

You will learn how to assemble a partition wall according to its use. We will give you tips and recommendations for the layout and placement of the structure. You will learn about the important factors to consider when installing several layers of boards. You will discover how easy it could be to choose the correct system for a specific project. At the end of the training, you will know the different issues and most common errors causing deficient installations, but most importantly, you will know how to avoid them.

Date and Time





1 hora y 30 minutos


  • Range of products used for wall partitioning.
  • Plasterboards handling.
  • Layout and assembly of structure.
  • Installation of several layers of boards.
  • Prevention of issues and how to fix them.
  • Discussion.
  • Questions.
  • Goodbye and closing.