Suspended ceiling Pladur® NEO 48/1200x400 1x12,5 FON+ R15/30 nº4 BA MW

Further information

Absorption coefficient - αw: 0.65
Maximum distance between hangers: 1450 mm
System weigh: 12.2 kg/m²
Plasterboard: PLADUR® FON+ R15/30 nº4 BA
Board thickness: 12.5 mm
Type of basic profile: Profile NEO P-48/400 + Profile NEO S-1.200
Number of layers: simple
Acoustic report number: AC15-26055261-21b
Installation method: Technical Conformity TC-087066

Continuous ceilings that require special acoustic conditioning for classrooms, boardrooms, libraries, etc. They are easier to install and provide greater consistency due to the twin frames laid out crosswise to each other.
